Catalogs are the most important visual way to deliver information to the customers. To meet the needs of Companies, we created a Catalog builder. Thanks to our application, the creation of the catalog has become easier, faster and more effective.
The princile of the application’s operation.
Application enables the use of data from any electronic form, e.g. a database, or even a simple paper form. The finished catalog or part of it can be saved in a PDF ready for printing, saved in another electronic form (e.g. e-book) and generate a ready website.
Multilevel hierarchy
Chapters are placed in a tree structure, which makes it possible to create a multi-level hierarchy. The all-time visible tree shows at what level the works are going.
Report – layout of the future page in the catalog.
The report illustrates the arrangement of elements on the page. The application uses WYSIWYG method, so when you build the catalog you can see on the screen what the final effect will be.
- Tables
Tables can be created in several ways:
– Pasting it from the other application such as Word,
– Editing using built-in text editor in application,
– Using data fields, create tables that automatically download data,
– Using the finished product, which also automatically downloads data.
- Pictures
Application allows placing images in the form of bitmap, as well as vector graphics. You can set the position and size of the image. The application is also equipped with an active graphic field that automatically downloads a picture, e.g. from a database.
- Product grouping
By using the similarity of products they can be grouped using grouping. Thanks to this option, the catalog is easier to read and customers will find what they are looking for more easily.
- Inheritance of page layouts (reports)
If in the following chapters the settings of elements is identical, you do not need to create further reports, just enable the inheritance option,
and the application will automatically display products according to the inherited report.
- Header and footer
The application has built-in methods that automate the addition of a header and footer, which significantly simplifies construction. Just add them once and they will appear throughout the entire document. Fields such as chapter name of page number will automatically get the appropriate value of the page.
- Automatic tables of contents
The table of contents is an inseparable element of the catalog, making it easier for customers to search for products. Catalog Builder is equipped with mechanisms that automatically create readable tables of contents, which greatly simplifies and speeds up work on the catalog.
- Automatic alphabetical indexes
An alphabetical product index as well as a table of contents is also automatically generated.
Properties panel
The panel show the current settings and allows you to quickly edit the parameters of the selected item.
An extended preview which is cooperating with chapter tree visually presents the document or part of it, which facilitates obtaining the desired final effect, and helps to find errors and irregularities in the project.
Data input
- Cooperation with the database (import, updates)
Our application works closely with databases from which product data can be obtained directly. If the data needs updating you can change it in our application and at the same time they will be updated in the database. If there’s no product database, you can enter data from another source, and Catalog Builder will automatically generate the database.
- Cooperation with other clipboard application
Inteligent clipboard, i.e. copying items to the clipboard and pasting it to a designated place in the application, allows, in addition to the usual copying of pictures and texts to copy many records at once. Thanks to this, you can enter data from almost any electronic form, e.g. from Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, Power point), PDF files, JPG, GIF image files.
- Entering data from a paper form
If the input data is only in paper form, our application also allows you to use this data, in the end, in addition to the ready catalog, it will automatically create a database of products that can be used in any other office applications.
Working in Network
Although that Catalog builder facilitates work on the catalog to such an extent way, that one person is enough to create a comprehensive document, the application allows Simultaneous work on the catalog for several people located in local network (e.g. in the office or company network).
Publication release
The end result is a high-resolution PDF file created immediately for editing in the printing house. The file has all the necessary elements for printing and assembling the catalog.
Training and technical support
- Training
We provide staff training in the terms of using the application.
- Documentation
The Application is equipped with rich documentation, which explains all the option in a simple way, and the lessions contained in it quickly teach how to use the capabilities of application.
- Technical support
In addition to training and documentation, we offer professional help from our specialists. Just contact our company by phone or via email.
- Catalog preparation
In addition, we offer a catalog preparation service from any data representation. If catalog is needed immediately, there’s not enough time to implement the application in client’s company, we can create it ourselves and in the future it can be edited by trained client employees.
- Adaptation
We provide the possibility to match application to specific client’s requirements.